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Key performance indicators Free

Analyze performance indicators most critical to your business

Deals and products Free

Analyze your sales.

Customer cohort analysis Free

Analyze your customers by time based cohorts.

Deal analytics summary Free

Analyze deal data for the required time period. Identify the most efficient customer handling scenarios as well as tight spots that may need improvement.

KPI – Company Efficiency Free

The KPI application helps to plan key performance indicators, observe the situation regarding implementation of the plan in real time, calculate bonuses e.t.c.!

Edward. CRM assistant Free

Work more effectively and grow your profit with Edward

Payment Calendar Free

Your sales managers do not have to fill in any additional fields to get sales analyzed by the Payment Calendar. All analytics is based on already existing CRM invoice data.

CRMbot Free

CRMbot is an application that generates instant reports and makes work in Bitrix24 even more productive!

Extractor Free


CRM Reports by Email Free

This app allows multiple reports to be configured and sent to recipients who are either internal users or external parties as CSV files. Reports can be set for Leads and Deals. For example, a referring person or agent can be sent a report concerning the progress of the leads which were referred by him or her. Any set of fields can be included in the report, and filtering by any fields is supported. Reports are sent daily, weekly, or monthly. Reports can be sent to a dynamic set of recipients, or configured to send to a specified list of emails. Multiple reports are supported.

Business Analyzer Free

This application combines many different analysis tools around your Bitrix application which is continuously developed and extended.

Leads Free

Leads as Google Looker Studio data source

Deals Free

Deals as Google Looker Studio data source

Basic report on leads Free

Analysis by status, conversion by source, responsible employee and and utm-tags

Deals Free

Deals as PowerBI data source

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