Articles Best Healthcare CRM

Best Healthcare CRM

Boost Sales with CRM
Bitrix24 Team
11 min
Updated: May 6, 2024
Bitrix24 Team
Updated: May 6, 2024
Best Healthcare CRM

It is extremely important to choose the right priorities when working with patients. People who come in for medical support expect fast, personal, and convenient support, and service providers are increasingly required to provide value-based care.

In such conditions, high-quality service comes to the fore, assuming individual service for each client. But with multiple sources of data and communication channels, it is not easy for medical institutions like hospitals, private practices, government healthcare organizations, and clinics to be effective in collaborating and improving results.

For healthcare organizations looking to provide the best possible patient care, there is CRM software.

What is Healthcare CRM Software?

Customer relationship management is a concept that can be characterized by the phrase "happy customers - business success." Its essence is that the entire process of interaction with the customer is documented and managed using customer relationship management software (CRM).

This allows you to adjust actions and proposals based on the real needs of your clients, enhancing patient engagement, retention, and communication. This task is solved using specialized software called a CRM system.

CRM-system is a set of applied solutions for the synchronization and automation of business processes, which allows you to implement a customer-oriented approach in practice. A healthcare CRM system is designed to increase sales by collecting information about customers, evaluating the effectiveness of promotion channels, and optimizing marketing. To ensure the high quality of customer service, a CRM system in a medical center is also indispensable.

The healthcare CRM allows you to split the clients of the clinic into separate segments and conduct individualized communication with them:

  • inform about discounts and promotions for the services they were interested in,

  • send information about new treatment methods that are relevant specifically for a particular segment.

That is, medical CRM helps keep in touch with customers, build their loyalty, and promote repeat sales of medical services. As a rule, a CRM system for medical centers is integrated with other information systems.

Looking For Best Healthcare CRM?

Break down tasks, manage your team workload, and track progress to ensure seamless execution


Customers leaving? Improve Patient Satisfaction with Healthcare CRM

Reminds you of tasks and records itself

Problem. Complex communication: administrators do not pick up the phone for a long time and do not call back. There are no alternative ways to sign up, except for a call.

Solution. If the administrator does not have time to pick up the phone, the system will send him a notification reminding him to call back. It will also tell you that the test results are ready and need to be sent by mail to the client.

And if a year has passed since the patient's last visit to the dentist, she will remind you to contact him and offer a preventive examination. This way, you can increase the number of repeat deals and boost customer loyalty.

In order to save customers' time, place an online registration form on the website. They will choose a doctor, day, time, and make an appointment themselves in a minute.

At the same time, administrators will not miss a single request: CRM will automatically capture them, issue new submissions, and send notifications to employees that they need to contact the client.

Also, the system can be integrated with email, social networks, and messengers and to receive applications from these channels as well.

Integrating healthcare CRM with marketing automation tools can further enhance patient communication and engagement by automating personalized reminders and health tips, ensuring a seamless and efficient experience.

Best Healthcare CRM

Forms documents and keeps a card index

Problem. Paperwork: Cards are lost, and doctors spend half of the appointment filling out paperwork and making mistakes in a hurry.

Solution. With the introduction of CRM, the clinic is able to switch to electronic document management, including the efficient handling of medical records. Questionnaires, contracts, sick leave, bills, and medical records are created from templates into which variable data is automatically pulled.

This system ensures that full medical records are readily accessible, streamlining the process in emergency situations and improving communication across the care team. A personal card is created for each client, consisting of tabs that store personal and medical information, history of calls, as well as documents, calls, and letters.

Doctors just need to fill in a few fields to record the progress of the examination and make appointments, significantly reducing the time spent on paperwork and minimizing errors.

Keeps track of doctors' schedules

Problem. Queues at the offices and confusion with notes: administrators register several people at the same time, appointments are delayed, and waiting patients get nervous.

Solution. Medical CRM software has an integrated interactive calendar. It looks like a board with a schedule of doctors, where administrators keep records. The data is updated online, so there is no risk of recording two people at the same time. When making an appointment, the time of appointments is limited: patients arrive on their own time and do not create queues.

If they register on their own through the site, then they are offered a choice of only free "windows," and the record immediately appears in the general table.

Generates reports upon request

Problem. Lack of reliable analytics: accountants and doctors prepare reports for a long time, make mistakes, or attribute too much. It is difficult to calculate the exact profit, assess the profitability of the clinic, track the effectiveness of advertising, and determine the number of patients and services sold.

Solution. All reliable analytics are available in a couple of clicks directly from your work computer. The manager can generate any reports for any period:

  • by the number of patients per month/year,

  • by the number of sales,

  • by the number of leads from different advertising channels,

  • etc.

The reports will show the exact number of patients and services provided by each doctor, which affects the correct calculation of salaries and awards.

Best Healthcare CRM

Segments of the customer base

Problem. It is impossible to divide clients by type of service, check size, etc.. As a result, it is difficult to make individual and relevant offers for them.

Solution. There are built-in filters in CRM by which you can create any list of customers:

  • by the size of the check,

  • by the date of the last visit,

  • by the type of services.

It is impossible to do it manually - you will not re-read hundreds of cards!

Benefits of Medical CRM for a Healthcare Organization

Due to their flexibility, CRM systems are perfect for any organization, regardless of the number of customers and employees. The most important ones are presented below.

1. Keeping all patient information in one place.

More and more marketers are inclined to the conclusion that there is no useless information about their clients, and they document all available information. Therefore, the amount of information supplied to the company is increasing exponentially.

If a CRM system is installed in a clinic, all data received from call centers, specialists, and doctors is recorded there and available for further processing. The time of the visit, diagnosis, scheduled procedures, and personal and contact information will no longer be lost on paper and will not disappear.

This is particularly beneficial in the healthcare industry, where the accumulation of patient information is critical.

2. Effective task scheduling.

Plenty of patients visit medical institutions every day. In this regard, a great burden falls on the registration and call center. A CRM system, unlike a person, will never forget about an important task, an email, or a call.

For example, it will prompt the operator to remind the patient about the need for a preventive examination or a return visit to the doctor. This capability is invaluable for any healthcare organization, facilitating seamless collaboration and communication.

3. Customer-oriented approach.

Patients expect to receive not only high-quality care but also attention to their own problems, full-fledged service, and a professional attitude from the medical staff of a hospital.

CRM helps to implement an individual approach to each customer, to offer the necessary services on time, to quickly solve a problematic issue, which allows us to reach a qualitatively new level of relations with patients. Yes, the CRM system will not teach the staff to be polite and courteous, and the doctor - to the medical business.

Best Healthcare CRM

Best Healthcare CRM


It is a comprehensive tool for automating your clinic, hospital, and medical center. The system consists of modules and components selected individually for each client. Let's see the main functions:

Online appointment with the doctor of a patient's choice.

Forms for online appointments and calling a specialist at home will help increase the number of applications since most potential clients do not want or cannot call. All requests from the forms are recorded in the CRM in the customer card and allow you to respond to messages directly in Bitrix24. In addition to the site, it is possible to set up chats and records with specialists through social networks and instant messengers.

Track a patient's journey.

The "Checkerboard" tool, developed on the basis of the Bitrix24 calendar, allows you to set up a schedule for recording patients, plan the schedule of a medical clinic specialist so that you can make an appointment during his working hours, or see free rooms for a procedure. You can filter by specialists, by offices, by days. The module is paid, it is not included in the standard functionality.

Establish communication with patients. 

Scenarios for sending SMS, email notifications, and auto-dialing allow you to remind the patient about the upcoming appointment, notify about promotions and discounts, about the readiness of analyses, and call about the quality of service a few days after the appointment.

All this is done automatically by the healthcare CRM software, none of the employees will forget to call back. Due to this, the client's profitability increases, and the quality of service increases.

Service statistics for different departments.

In Bitrix24 it is easy to track statistics on individual services, build reports: which service is the most popular, etc.

This can be done both in a section of one branch and in the dynamics of the entire network of medical centers. There is a built-in catalog of goods and services. Just download them and manage prices and discounts.

Sales management.

Create your sales funnel for different services, from treatment and initial inspection to repeat visits. CRM itself will guide the patient through the stages of the funnel, send SMS or letters, and remind administrators to contact the patient.

It is possible to set up scenarios where the patient, after completing the service, automatically enters the funnel of the next service to be offered. So, due to simple actions, the profit per patient and the average check of the clinic increase.

Automation of purchase of preparations.

If the procurement process requires approval, then with Bitrix24 tools, you will not have to go to the offices of the medical institution and put signatures. It is enough to create a simple business process within the system, where a list for purchase is formed from the nomenclature of the supplier base, and then it is sent for approval to the person in charge and then automatically goes to the accounting department for payment.

Corporate culture.

Tools such as Live Feed, Chats, and Interest groups on the Bitrix24 portal help maintain a positive corporate spirit, involve employees in the life of the clinic, and communicate with each other.

You can wish your colleagues a happy birthday, publish news and events, etc. Also, the CRM system has a separate Knowledge Base module, where courses, training materials, and collections of articles can be stored.

Looking For Best Healthcare CRM?

Break down tasks, manage your team workload, and track progress to ensure seamless execution



The use of Creatio gives medical institutions a number of advantages, including:

  • planning and monitoring the work of medical personnel;

  • management of doctors' scheduling;

  • maintaining a single electronic card index of patients,

  • outpatient cards, and patient records;

  • the ability to make an appointment using chatbots;

  • workload analyzer; scheduling and launching personalize email and SMS with a reminder of the planned visit;

  • results of work;

  • analyzing the quality of patient care and much more.

CRM support is provided via email and telephone.

Salesforce Health Cloud

Ensuring proper patient care involves more than just managing patient information and treatment-related activities. It also builds strong relationships with patients and staff, which contributes to better health.

Salesforce Health Cloud transforms the interaction between care coordinators and patients and provides a summary view of important patient records, access to the patient care team, and the tools to combine them to improve treatment outcomes.

Salesforce will focus on the overall customer experience, on the interaction between the clinic and the patient through a variety of communication channels (especially from mobile devices), and on the organization of joint work of employees of medical organizations. The system will also be able to integrate with MIS / EMR to create a unified information environment in the medical center.

PatientPop: HIPAA Compliance and Healthcare CRM

The CRM for medical organizations helps doctors attract patients through social media and healthcare websites. To work effectively in healthcare, you need to manage patient or participant data and treatment-related tasks.

This system collects everything you need into a complete view of the patient, and the actions related to maintaining their health. Customized care plans provide a plan of action to improve a person's health.

These care plans help patients or participants take practical steps to improve their health every day. The timeline allows you to view events and activities related to a person's health care in chronological order. Thus, it is very easy to get a person's prescriptions for the last month or view medical activities for the next month.


It can help you create a complete picture of your patients and personalize support and care. Zendesk Support Suite gives you easy access to any channel - by phone, chat, email, SMS, and mobile apps, so your patients can reach you anytime, anywhere if they need you.

You will be able to seamlessly interact with distributed and specialized healthcare teams and payment networks so that patients receive the best possible care. Powerful planning and decision-making analytics help you understand what affects patient satisfaction and treatment outcomes.

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Table of Content
What is Healthcare CRM Software? Customers leaving? Improve Patient Satisfaction with Healthcare CRM Reminds you of tasks and records itself Forms documents and keeps a card index Keeps track of doctors' schedules Generates reports upon request Segments of the customer base Benefits of Medical CRM for a Healthcare Organization 1. Keeping all patient information in one place. 2. Effective task scheduling. 3. Customer-oriented approach. Best Healthcare CRM Bitrix24 Creatio Salesforce Health Cloud PatientPop: HIPAA Compliance and Healthcare CRM Zendesk
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