Articles Sales Management Ultimate Guide: Process, Best Practices, & CRM

Sales Management Ultimate Guide: Process, Best Practices, & CRM

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Bitrix24 Team
14 min
Updated: August 7, 2024
Bitrix24 Team
Updated: August 7, 2024
Sales Management Ultimate Guide: Process, Best Practices, & CRM

What is sales management?

Sales management refers to the process of hiring, training, and motivating sales personnel, coordinating significant operations in the sales department (such as building customer relationships, forecasting and settling all sales controls, etc.), and implementing a successful holistic sales strategy that provides significant business revenues.

Sales play an extremely important role in the further effective functioning of possible spheres of business, and sales management has also become significant in this matter. It will mainly contribute to the quick and correct diversifying of the company system, again, for success in sales.

Nowadays, the sales management process has become more complicated because, over the years, sales are increasingly taking place online (in online stores). 


Building a sales strategy is aimed at the comprehensive development of trade business areas. Refer to the table to understand the facts about the strategies in more detail:




1. Attracting a considerable flow of customers.

Bringing as many customers as possible to your store with the purpose of purchasing a certain product.

Drawing the attention of a potential customer to a store and a product that has a good demand and is located on the "main product shelf" can contribute to the rapid development of the sales process, which creates a good income.

2. Generation of funds.

An increase in the average amount of sales order value for a product of a certain category.

When purchasing one item, the customer may need additional items and sales managers will offer items on sale, etc., to increase the average sales order size.

3. Final profit.

Leveling up the gross profit and cash flow.

Taking into account the high sales price and a high percentage of gross margin (profit) and product categories with high turnover will contribute to the growth of profitability.

4. Position protection.

Taking and maintaining a leading position among other areas on the market.

The sales management protection strategy will help create a positive price image of the selection for the client and protect it from the competition.

5. Interest of future customers.

Satisfying consumer needs and offering new products that may be of interest.

This strategy works on the offer of popular, innovative and smart products that provoke spontaneous purchases, if those products are from limited series or extreme incomes, etc. (Impulse purchases).

6. Great authority.

Strengthening the authority and image of the company among consumers, and among other representatives of the commodity business through the assortment of products.

For this to happen, it is necessary to control product quality, price policy, assortment offers, service, product delivery, etc. and in addition, offer the product according to these criteria.

In addition, the sales pipeline will help the sales team quickly and easily achieve the set goals in the sales process.

In short, this term means a sequence of actions that require certain achievements with each of the clients in a visual way from the signing of the agreement to its termination. Helps specialists control the work process and become or stay organized.


Sales Operations contribute to the experience and productivity of the entire sales force by taking responsibility for all operational and administrative tasks. By analyzing the collected data and optimizing the relevant processes, the sales team can take responsibility for hiring, full training, in addition, and in knowledge management to provide a guarantee of the possibility of further development and success due to the received and processed information about the given field, which is provided by sales managers.

In the list of tasks of the operational plan, in addition to selling strategies, the following items can be highlighted:

1.     Training in all aspects of the product.

2.     Learning the sales process.

3.     Hiring talented and promising employees.

4.     SLA and contacts.

5.     Management of the KB.

If we consider the productivity of the company's sales operations, then everything looks like this:

1.     Full market analysis.

2.     Development of effective sales practices and methods.

3.     Sales figures.

4.     Leading sales management process.


The analysis process (or report on the results) aims to monitor the impact of the company's sales strategy on its development and success. Based on the collected data, this function gives the ultimate opportunity to understand what still needs to be worked on, especially at what pace and direction.

Successful reporting is based on sales figures, or certain indicators that are quantitatively measured, and let the sales managers know whether the set goals are being achieved and how all sales niches in the company are functioning.

Who benefits from sales management?

The sales management process is beneficial for all parties involved in the sales cycle. There are only three of them:

Sales manager

This person is engaged in sales management: controls the process, the work of the team, etc. Having a positive result will allow the sales manager to develop and move his company and employees forward. In this way, a clear understanding and representation of the level of authority in the market among customers and competitors will be formed.


The salesperson is the image of the company, as they represent it and its product, and also maintain contact with customers online or in the form of phone calls. This person's responsibilities also include reporting to the sales manager on the sales process and revenue and discussing current and future business performance at all levels with them. The sales management process clarifies and shows the process with the results of the work to the salesperson in more detail.


The client, in turn, will be able to purchase the company's services or goods. If all the criteria of the product or service meet the requirements and expectations of the buyer and also impresses them, then they will definitely leave positive feedback about the service, advertise it on social networks and possibly become a regular customer in the store.

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Sales Management Strategies

The key six points of the sales strategies are described in more detail in the table above. However, now we propose to consider one more option.

Motivating the team

The motivation of the company's management is a very important incentive for employees to work productively and show appropriate results.

There are seven levels of staff motivation:

1.     Clear and correct setting of goals is a motivation for showing interest in tasks. This leads to stunning final results and greater team productivity relative to new achievements.

2.     Explain your vision regarding the performance of the work and the result. Employees will then have a definite understanding and will be ready for any challenges in the sales process that may arise.

3.     Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your employees and what they are capable of is most necessary in the product management process to obtain a high-quality final result.

4.     Expanding opportunities for the business is key. Because it is important for them to participate in the formulation, discussion, and adoption of key questions regarding the sales funnel and process.

5.     Career growth is recognized as one of the effective methods of growing and motivating subordinates. Well-motivated staff are ready and willing for anything.

6.     Staff support is the support of their thirst for work and support of their maximum capabilities.

7.     Manager's gratitude in the eyes of employees is interpreted as recognition of their skills, knowledge, and value. So sales managers will get what they want no matter what.

Sales Management Best Practices

Sales management practices, as a rule, have a great influence on the course of the process and the final result. It is worth looking for, and developing, your most effective practices in order to achieve your goals much faster every time.

Invest in training and development for your sales

Investing in your own training and development, as well as your team, is never a waste of time or resources.

The sales strategy changes from time to time and new instructions and equipment functions are added. That is, in order for the sales funnel business to be strong and so there are no unexpected situations/misunderstandings with customers or employees, it is necessary to constantly learn and perceive new information, for the further implementation of new ideas in life.

Create an engaging, motivating culture

If your goal is to create a productive atmosphere in the team, you should develop an appropriate culture. To do this, set an example for them, give them the opportunity to make and discuss important decisions, as well as offer proper working conditions. This motivates both you and them to do more and more.

Leverage each sales rep's individual strengths

Each top sales manager, like any other branch of business, has an individual approach and clearly knows his subordinates, knowing their strengths and weaknesses. Also, he knows how to train them, and what training programs to choose for each one individually, to nurture their development.

Attract and retain the right people

A sales manager has so much experience in this field that he is knowledgeable in absolutely all areas related to the sales process. In order to set up the team for excellent work, the manager must invite professionals and those who are ready to constantly learn and develop.

Consistently analyze the competitive landscape to ensure your sales reps have the best tools to succeed

As you know, another way to improve sales management processes is to analyze the competence of the team members.

The essence of this concept is quite simple. It is necessary to observe the entire process of sales management and employees: their behavior, success in work, etc. A good way to determine the competence of the staff is the organization of various relevant training, which may give an answer quite quickly, and help subordinates improve their knowledge and skills.

Sales Management Tools and Software

SMTAS is the type of tool that gives more clarity for the productivity and optimization of the team to get needed data. Also, it gives an understanding of the sales channels, processes, and strategies of management.


This software has a free trial period of use and a moderate price for more improved versions. In case of limited access to the top-end version, you can still use the tools that are available. You can also store data on the cloud.

Regarding the tools themselves, Bitrix 24 contains five main elements that are very useful for the sales process.

1.     Office. Building effective teamwork by the sales manager, through business communication via video call or SMS chat correspondence.

2.     Tasks. A program for setting and timely fulfillment of all important sales operation goals.

3.     CRM system. This company's CRM is probably one of the most powerful systems of a management process. It helps the team in the effective control of information regarding customer data as well as the sales process, etc.

4.     Contact center. This includes data from all possible social networks, phones, and CRM forms. With their help, you can answer questions in a quick responsive manner.

5.     Sites. The online sales process is now more relevant than ever and this supports the turnover of that stock.


This platform positions itself as the best telephony software at an international level, which is integrated with the program. For determining the sales process, both are good because it first collects information through calls and secondly, sorts it into certain categories. Aircall provides fast and high-quality communication with the client. The speed and security of team optimization with CRM are also guaranteed.


The program involves setting up a sales funnel using a ready-made template and adding all important documents there. Tracking is done using reminders. Automation of growth takes place simply by conducting analytical tests and analyzing the results.

Some of the most popular Pipedrive features important to defining the sales process include:

1.     A visual funnel that involves updating deals and quick viewing.

2.     Customizable funnel — the ability to customize the sales process for yourself.

3.     History of contacts — review of letters, SMS, and calls of each concluded agreement.

4.     Teamwork.

5.     Reminder — actualizing tasks and tracking their activity.

6.     Lead segmentation — classification, filtering, and sorting of leads. Creation of target lists for communication.

7.     Control panel and reporting. Receiving detailed process management reports

8.     Income. Forecasts regarding the volume of product units using the sales funnel.

Sales Management Books

Earlier, we mentioned the importance of investing in training and development. The concept of development in this area also includes reading books. Every leading sales manager constantly develops by reading more and more new information about the management process.

Each of these books describes a unique sales management process that helps develop and increase productivity.

1.  Matthew Dixon "How highly effective people overcome customer indecision"

In this book, the author investigates the indecision of both customers and employees and offers a new, relevant solution to the problem.

Sales managers need to read it to understand how to help people overcome fear and indecision.

 2. Kate Rosen "Training from salespeople to champions"

The reader must become a master coach to explore and understand what is needed for the development of each team member.

Types of fatal management errors and their solutions are described here.

Sales managers should read this essay because it encourages them to demonstrate improvement in the level of effectiveness of their employees. The work also encourages full trust and commitment between colleagues, which is quite important in the management process.

3. Anthony Giannarino “Eat their lunch. Distract customers from competitors."

This book describes the competition between companies and ways to humanely displace them.

To understand the term "sales management" but without competition and other confusing factors, this book is also worth the reader's attention.

4. John Weber "How to grow your sales"

This data contains more detailed information from research about the concept of sales and turnover with them and in social networks.

The book will be interesting for sales managers because it reveals all the facts necessary for work regarding the sales process.

5. Travis Bradbury "Emotional Intelligence 2.0"

In this edition, the authors pay attention to the skills that form the height of the EQ level — self-control, self-awareness, relationship management, etc.

The work is worth reading because emotional intelligence occupies a high position in effective sales management. There is plenty of great advice on how to work on QE.

Sales glossary


The analysis process (or report on the results) aims to monitor the impact of the company's sales strategy on its development and success. Based on the collected data, this function gives the ultimate opportunity to understand what still needs to be worked on, especially at what pace and direction.

Successful reporting is based on sales figures or certain indicators that are quantitatively measured and let the sales managers know whether the set goals are being achieved and how all sales niches in the company are functioning.


The client, in turn, will be able to purchase the company's services or goods. If all the criteria of the product or service meet the requirements and expectations of the buyer and also impress them, he will definitely leave positive feedback about the service, advertise it on social networks and possibly become a regular customer in the store.

Sales Management Tools and Software

SMTAS is the type of tool that gives more clarity for the productivity and optimization of the team to get needed data. Also gives the meaning of sales channels, processes, and strategies of management.

Sales management

Sales management refers to the process of hiring, training, and motivating sales personnel, coordinating significant operations in the sales department (such as building customer relationships, forecasting and settling all sales controls, etc.), and implementing a successful holistic sales strategy that provides significant business revenues.


Building a sales strategy is aimed at the comprehensive development of trade business areas.


What is a sales manager?

This person is engaged in sales management: controls the process, the work of the team, etc. Having a positive result will allow the sales manager to develop and move his company and employees forward.

What sales management books are worth reading?

A list of five books about Sales Management is recommended to be read:

1.     Kate Rosen "Training from salespeople to champions";

2.     John Weber "How to grow your sales"

3.     Anthony Giannarino “Eat their lunch. Distract customers from competitors."

4.     Matthew Dixon "How highly effective people overcome customer indecision"

5.     Travis Bradbury "Emotional Intelligence 2.0"

What are the types of sales management software and tools?

The three described software are:

  • Bitrix24;

  • Pipedrive;

  • AirCall.

What is the purpose of the Sales Management Ultimate Guide?

The Sales Management Ultimate Guide is designed to provide comprehensive information on sales management processes, best practices, and CRM solutions.

It aims to help sales managers, team leaders, and business owners improve their sales operations, drive revenue growth, and achieve business success.

What are some key sales management processes?

Key sales management processes include setting sales targets, creating sales plans and strategies, recruiting and training salespeople, monitoring and evaluating sales performance, and providing feedback and coaching.

How can CRM systems help with sales management?

CRM systems also facilitate better collaboration among sales teams and improve communication with customers, ultimately leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.


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Table of Content
What is sales management? Strategy Operations Analysis  Who benefits from sales management? Sales manager Salesperson Customer  Sales Management Strategies Motivating the team Sales Management Best Practices Invest in training and development for your sales Create an engaging, motivating culture Leverage each sales rep's individual strengths Attract and retain the right people Consistently analyze the competitive landscape to ensure your sales reps have the best tools to succeed Sales Management Tools and Software Bitrix24  Aircall Pipedrive Sales Management Books Sales glossary Analysis  Sales Management Tools and Software Sales management Strategy FAQs
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