
18 Best Sales Tracking Software in 2024

18 min read
Bitrix24 Team
September 20, 2021
Last updated: March 11, 2024
18 Best Sales Tracking Software in 2024

As the world population grows, technology evolves, and globalization provides new opportunities. The rules of the economy change, making trading more profitable, but more complicated at the same time. For better or worse, regardless of your what size your business is, you can't simply go with the flow anymore. Sales tracking tools become an essential thing.

Nowadays, you need a working sales strategy if you aim for success, and to reach this goal you'll have to gather and analyze plenty of data, including customer's sales dataand prospects profiles, pricing, lead sources, and, of course, your past and future sales. Fortunately, the most knowledgeable and skillful developers have already created sales tracking software that incorporates all the tools it might require.

With the current increase in demand for such platforms, it is easy to get lost in an endless sea of available options while choosing your perfect sales tacking software. Plus, it's always better to read short descriptions with all the main features highlighted for you rather that spend efforts on finding the information yourself. After all, you've got a business to run and products to sell with the help of all these sales tracking software options. 

Sales tracking software helps to identify, follow, and analyze every step of the sales process in order to get top-notch results.

Must-have Features for a Sales Tracking Software in 2024

Sales tracking software is designed to present you with statistical data on your sales activity. Basically, sales tracking tools should allow you and your sales team to:

  • Collect information about your clients, leads, or prospects

  • Identify customers' behavioral patterns

  • Evaluate sales reps' performance

  • Spot potential problems in advance and adjust the strategy

  • Analyze the metrics to forecast sales.

Modern sales tracking software is complex; it provides a variety of features. Some of them are beneficial to your company, but some of them might be unnecessary and redundant. However, certain tools are irreplaceable if you want to boost your sales

. Let's review the instruments you should look for when you pick up a sales tracking software.

Lead Tracking Function

Leads are the foundation of every existing sales policy. That's why a proper sales tracking software should enable you to:

  • Gather and store your leads' personal info. Everything that could be relevant to your sales team (e.g. name, the company they represent, their specialization, or budget) should be available within a click. This will help you to better understand the needs of your sales team and identify their interests and preferences, so you can tailor a more individual approach towards them.

  • Track your main lead sources. If you think that where your leads come from doesn't matter because they're already here, think again. Lead management is crucial for business of any size.

  • When you know what sources are the most useful (it can be anything, including e-mail, social media, websites, or even a recommendation from a friend), you can dedicate more time and energy to acquire new leads through them, or you can focus on developing the ones that you haven't been paying enough attention to.

  • Identify their pipeline stage. Every salesperson knows that transforming leads into customers is a complex process, and it takes time. If you know which potential clients are hot and ready to buy and which might still need some nurturing, you can select the tactic that suits this particular lead's mood the most.

Remember, if you are aware of your lead sources, you'll always know where to turn to if you want to attract new potential customers. Every quality sales tracking platform escapes competition through authenticity.

Instruments to Analyze and Forecast Your Sales

Predictions are hard because it's impossible to calculate the future. Yet, forecasting is inevitable for any business that strives to be profitable. After all, any company executive needs to plan a budget, make strategic decisions, and set up realistic goals for the team. Any mistake in the calculations can result in a drastic decline in sales numbers. That's why acquiring the sales tracking software, that is capable of obtaining data on your past and current sales and using it to make accurate predictions about the future, is an investment that will definitely pay off. With suitable sales tracking features you can delegate tasks, assign resources, adjust strategies, and assess sales reps' performance with confidence.  It will result in your sales revenue and further development.

It's high time to try a sales tracking tool with stable lead management to understand how to push your business further.

Reporting Tools

Reporting Tools

You need to see the whole picture of your team's performance if you want to manage your sales effectively. Advanced sales team tracking software can become a perfect solution if you're looking for a tool set that can help to identify reasons for your success and point out your weak spots. You desperately need a sales tracking tool, that will help you to boost up your sales performance. So, what kind of reports can you get, and how exactly can they be of use? Let's find out.

  • Activity Report. This one will show you the entire history of communication with leads, including the latest interactions, data on when and how you contacted them, and what response you got. The value of this information is hard to underestimate. Sales forecasting should not be underestimated.

  • Sales reps can use it to analyze their leads' behavioral patterns, so they can choose the approach that will fit their needs and preferences the most. In addition, sales managers can also access and study it to determine who among their team members are star performers and who might need some extra motivation.

  • Loss Report. People who deliberately refuse to evaluate their previous actions are doomed to repeat the same mistakes. You should draw lessons from your past, otherwise you may get stuck or fail. Of course, it might be a tiresome process, but as soon as you see the reasons why you've lost particular leads, you might gain a clear vision of what action course you need to take to outbid your competitors and score more leads. Moreover, these metrics can be helpful when forecasting the future performance of your sales department.

  • Success Cases Report. Triumphs provide plenty of opportunities to learn from as well. If you struggle to determine which tactics suit you and your team the best, take a close look at the data on the cases you won. Surely, it will cheer you up, but it will also present you with valuable knowledge on what selling strategies you should use more often. Plus, you can make notes on what means you should use if you're dealing with a specific type of lead. Sales forecasting also estimates future sales revenue, predicting how much you will sell in the next week, month, quarter, or year.

  •  Funnel Report. It’s one of the chief sales tracking features. You need to obtain this report if you want to see at what stage of sales funnel your leads are at this exact moment, what prevents them from moving further down the pipeline, and what you need to do to get them closer to strike a deal. You'll see what tactics are the most effective depending on the lead's type. After you examine this information thoroughly, you'll learn what your next steps towards this particular lead should be. That’s an essential sales forecasting instrument that will lead you to more efficient deals.

  • Sales Forecasting. Predictions are tightly connected with things come to follow. It is sometimes hard to get how crucial it is for a business to generate a precise sales pipeline. Sales forecasting gives private companies you cooperate with more confidence in their operations. Sales forecasting gives publicly traded companies credibility in the marketplace.

  • Sales strategies get company’s benefits. The basic sales tracking tool used to schedule its cycles, forecasts is Sales Tracking. Sales tracking also supports chain operations with material purchases and production capacity, partner strategies, and sales operations in the location, and quota planning.

Features to Display Conversion Rate

Features to Display Conversion Rate

Conversion rate is the ultimate measurement of your success, so if your sales tracking software is unable to calculate it, you should replace it for a more effective sales tracking tool. You can acquire plenty of leads, but if you fail to turn them into actual customers, your sales processes won't contribute to increasing the company's profits. If the sales processes you have aren't satisfying, simply ask the program to submit conversion rates by sales reps, lead sources, etc. This would provide you with a clear picture of the measures you should take to improve the situation.

Instruments to Calculate Average Sale Price

The revenue per sale indicates the average amount of money you receive after closing a deal. If this metric is decreasing, then you defintely need to change your selling strategy. It means that it’s time to turn to sales tracking and sales performance.

Sales tracking means maintaining records and detailing every single aspect of the sales process.

Sales performance means seller's or sales team's ability to get to the goals. Plus, it can be helpful if you want to assess your sales team productivity when it comes to upselling customers. Thus, sales tracking software with the ability to display average sale price is the tool you should use to spot worrisome signs in your sales activity.

Cross-platform Availability

We live in the 21st century, so it is practically essential to make applications available on both desktop and mobile devises, allowing you to manage your business anywhere and anytime. Besides, your sales team should have access to the platform at any time. Many platforms offer synchronizing capabilities and online/offline access. With such an advanced sales tracking software, the entire sales cycleit gets incredibly easier to run a business because every important feature is just a few clicks away. Hence, choose the product that lets you enjoy the advantages of technological progress.

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18 Sales Tracking Software Platforms You Can Rely On

Nowadays, selling process is much more challenging than it used to be. There are plenty of activities and indicators that need to be monitored and accounted for. But don't worry, there are plenty of sales tracking software that have your back. Let's dive in and see what today's marketplace has to offer to simplify the entire sales cycle.

1. Bitrix24

When it comes to the sales tracking software or anything that can improve your sales process, Bitrix24 is the ultimate toolkit that has a solution for all the situations you and your team might face. You can store and access data on clients and leads, analyze your sales activities and team performance, import, export, and share documents, manage marketing campaigns, contact prospects and customers via multiple channels, etc. The best news is you can do it for free. Of course, there are additional features and premium packages, but using basic functions won't cost you anything.

Key functions

  • Lead & pipeline management, sales automation, lead generating instruments flawless sales performance

  • Gantt charts, Kanban boards, task efficiency reports, conversion rate, funnel & activity reports, etc.

  • Customers' and leads' database with personal details and a history of interactions

  • Communication tools, including calls, e-mails, Zoom, social media, audio/video chats & conferences.

2. Vtiger Sales

Vtiger focuses primarily on acquiring sales pipeline and nurturing leads, but it also offers a variety of analytical and forecasting tools to generate the utmost sales strategies. Its system of smart alerts notifies you automatically as soon as a deal changes its status. Plus, you can continue conversations at any given time, even if you started it in another channel.

Key functions

  • Generate leads from multiple channels, including e-mail, social media, website, and phone calls

  • Analyze the leads' personal data and assign them to the most suitable sales reps

  • Initiate automated sales and marketing campaigns

  • View activity reports, sales results, and funnel progression

  • Evaluate your sales team's performance and productivity.

3. Salesflare

If you're tired of doing things manually, Salesflare is your best option. This application obtains data from a variety of sources, such as e-mails, social media, company storage, and even your calendar. Any sales process is automated for you in no time. For instance, when you receive an e-mail, the sales tracking software automatically transfers the phone number and address from the person's signature to your database.

Key functions

  • Automated e-mail sequences that can be initiated when a certain event takes place, or you want to get through to a person who isn't responding.

  • Advanced tracking instruments. You can find out when people opened your messages, or what pages of your website they visited and when.

  • Impressive integration capabilities: it's perfectly compatible with Gmail, Office 365, iCloud, PieSync, and many other popular platforms.

  • Customizable sales pipeline, dashboards, and overviews.

4. EngageBay

EngageBay demonstrates a certain lack of analytical capabilities, but they provide plenty of opportunities to keep all of your interactions with leads and clients under control. It covers everything from nurturing prospects to customer support. That’s what we call a proper sales pipeline.

Key functions

  • Analyze customers' behavior and preferences

  • Generate pipelines for multiple deals

  • Contact leads via phone or e-mail

  • Assign and monitor tasks

  • Automated sales funnels & e-mail sequences

  • Dashboards and tools to examine business proposals

  • Integration with Office 365, Gmail, and other calendar applications.

5. Pipedrive

Pipedrive offers a set of tools that is standard to a good sales tracking software both for your sales team and your customers. However, there are several interesting features that deserve to be mentioned separately. For instance, a "deal rotting" function automatically sends notifications if a deal remains untouched for too long, allowing your sales reps to prevent it from turning into a lost cause. In addition, it provides sellers with a virtual sales mentor that they could ask for personalized advice.

Key functions

  • Lead tracking & management sales teams

  • Automation for the sales teams’ recurring tasks

  • Detailed leads' and customers' profiles with interaction history

  • Visual pipelines

  • Activity reports and other analytical & forecasting tools

  • Synchronized mobile and desktop versions available.

6. Zoho CRM

Zoho CRM presents its users with a variety of solutions for every possible scenario. Any sales process will be processed with this solution. But the most innovative instrument they have is gamification. This useful feature allows turning the boring processes of achieving goals, accomplishing tasks, and acquiring leads into fun and adventurous competition, making it easier for your sales reps to stay productive. This way you’ll keep your sales team motivated.

Key functions

  • Automated workflow and sales data management

  • Customizable charts and dashboards

  • Sales trends and forecasts

  • Funnels and lead management.

7. Copper

If you want to automate as many sales related processes as possible, choose Copper. It gathers information on leads and sales actions from all the available communication channels and sources. This way you’ll manage to mediate the sales process and the sales pipeline as well. Moreover, it will send automated notifications and visual indicators when a deal reaches crucial stages.

Key functions

  • Leads' data storage with a complete history of interactions

  • Automation of regular administrative tasks

  • Customizable visual pipelines

  • Sales activities reports, a sales funnel overview & dashboards

  • Desktop, iOS, and Android versions

  • Gmail integration

8. Freshworks CRM

The most convenient feature of the Freshworks CRM is its ability to present a 360° overview of all the customer sales data and lead related information in one screen. Plus, deal card with visual pipeline allows you to delegate tasks, set up meetings, and initiate conversations with leads.

Key functions

  • The ability to contact leads directly from the platform

  • Lead scoring sales pipeline overview

  • Sales teams activities report

  • Smart e-mails with a personalized approach to your leads

9. Close CRM

As a sales tracking software, Close CRM is designed specifically to help your team close as many deals as possible. That's why it puts a lot of emphasis on analytical tools, including the ones to evaluate team performance, review won and lost cases, and measure how successful your communication with leads is.

Key functions

  • Track sales better with an advanced pipeline feature

  • Acquire leads and communicate through multiple channels (e-mails, audio/video calls, etc.)

  • Generate reports on sales activities, revenue per sale, and other important metrics, like sales pipeline interaction and more

  • Manage all sales activities from one central sales hub with automatic logging and syncing in all the apps you use.

10. HubSpot

HubSpot is the best sales tracking software for those who seek a perfect combination of sales and marketing capabilities.

Key functions

  • Lead generation

  • Automated marketing campaigns

  • Activity reports and other tools to assess team productivity

  • Sales pipelines with the ability to track leads in real time

  • Meeting scheduling & the automation of repeititive tasks.

11. SugarCRM

SugarCRM is the ultimate solution for companies that want to focus their sales’ team attention on accurate forecasting and get insights about leads or customers' behavior.

Key functions

  • Use the Sugar Discover—Revenue function if you want to receive notifications on spotted changes in your key metrics, sales data, or get accurate predictions based on the analysis of your history/experience, and monitor your KPI and sales activities in real time

  • Create an Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), get alerts about new insights and opportunities with AI-based SugarPredict feature

  • Automate the process of collecting data on leads and customers through the sales funnel and other channels

  • Observe pipelines and get status updates

  • Initiate smart marketing campaigns

  • Use the Sugar Market feature to keep an eye on your most important metrics.

12. Salesforce Sales Cloud

Experience streamlined sales processes with Salesforce Sales Cloud.

Key features

  • Its leading-edge features allow for effortless lead and opportunity management while providing powerful sales forecasting analytics. 

  • Plus, seamless integration with other Salesforce products provides you even more possibilities. 

  • Stay on top of tasks and activities easily with the added feature of tracked actions along with efficient email integration capabilities.

13. Insightly CRM

Insightly CRM provides a comprehensive set of features to facilitate streamlined sales and optimum customer relationship management for your sales team. These include contact and lead management, pipeline tracking, email automation, and project management capabilities. 

Key functions of the platform comprise: 

  • Effective contact and lead management.

  • Opportunity tracking through pipelines.

  • Email tracking with automation.

  • Robust project management as well as collaboration features for enhanced teamwork.

14. Nimble

With Nimble, businesses can make use of a range of tools that enable them to engage with prospects meaningfully while also managing their customer relationships with ease. 

Key features

  • Noteworthy functions include social media integration that permits engagement tracking; 

  • contact and lead management for your sales teams; 

  • email tracking coupled with analytics; 

  • as well as pipe management and sales forecasting.

15. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales

Are you grappling with inefficient lead processing due to inadequate software tools? Worry no more! The solution lies in using Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales' advanced features designed explicitly for enhancing your business operations. 

Key features

  • With impressive capabilities such as a visual representation of your lead pipeline called lead generation funnel visualization and an elaborate set of contact contract creation workflows that make communication across various channels seamless — e mails audio/video calls — Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales makes processing leads a hassle free experience. 

  • In addition to these capabilities. This CRM software is designed to help you create reports on essential metrics like sales activities and revenue per sale so you can make data driven decisions that improve business outcomes. 

  • Furthermore it encompasses powerful complementary features such as sales forecasting & analytics or account & customer relationship management that enhance your strategy towards better business outcomes guided by data.

16. Zendesk Sell

When it comes to driving sales success through comprehensive analysis of your team's performance metrics, few tools surpass Zendesk Sell in terms of functionality or impact. 

Key features

  • This software solution has been crafted from the ground up to leverage intelligent visualizations alongside advanced analysis engines capable of tackling even the most complex issues associated with maintaining consistently high win rates for qualified deals. 

  • A comprehensive suite of project management capabilities ensures that teamwork is streamlined towards meeting critical goals via optimal collaboration techniques leading naturally towards optimal results every time! 

  • To top things off its powerful analytics can generate custom reports quickly while offering easy integration opportunities across other key business productivity platforms.


In today's fast paced world where businesses must remain agile due to cut throat competition pressure continuously; having the right tools plays an integral role in driving growth. Among these tools is — an exceptional platform that has quickly gained popularity among savvy entrepreneurs worldwide. 

Key features

  • This all inclusive platform offers a plethora of features tailored to cater to businesses' specific demands across multiple niches ranging from sales activity management to marketing campaign automation. 

  • Users can store and access data on clients and leads effortlessly while importing and exporting documents with ease. 

  • One standout feature of this platform is its intuitive visual pipelines designed explicitly for complex or intricate workflows. 

18. Agile CRM

Agile CRM differentiates itself through its extensive range of innovative features — most notably the outstanding sales tracking capabilities — placing it head and shoulders above other customer relationship management solutions on offer today. 

Key features

  • The program boasts a comprehensive suite of lead management tools and contact segmentation options combined with fully automated data collection functionality that offers up to the minute status updates while monitoring pipeline progress seamlessly. 

  • Additionally businesses can leverage agile CRMs advanced campaign building capabilities alongside the in built telephony integration feature to communicate more efficiently with clients seamlessly. 

  • Another excellent benefit offered by this innovative system is detailed real time performance reports — allowing businesses to gain deep insights into many critical metrics vital to driving better results.

It might seem exhausting to decide on which sales tracking software is the best. The market offers plenty of decent options that would satisfy even the most demanding customers. Stay calm and remember that if you decide to go with one of the platforms mentioned in the review, chances are you won't be disappointed.

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Table of Content
Must-have Features for a Sales Tracking Software in 2024 Lead Tracking Function Instruments to Analyze and Forecast Your Sales Reporting Tools Features to Display Conversion Rate Instruments to Calculate Average Sale Price Cross-platform Availability Best Free Sales Tracking Software 18 Sales Tracking Software Platforms You Can Rely On 1. Bitrix24 2. Vtiger Sales 3. Salesflare 4. EngageBay 5. Pipedrive 6. Zoho CRM 7. Copper 8. Freshworks CRM 9. Close CRM 10. HubSpot 11. SugarCRM 12. Salesforce Sales Cloud 13. Insightly CRM 14. Nimble 15. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales 16. Zendesk Sell 17. 18. Agile CRM
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